Posted on: March 9th 2024
Cat Sanctuary Visit
On Saturday 9 March, Eco Club went to visit the RSPCA cat sanctuary in Ashford which has had up to 500 cats on the waiting list and up to around 40 cats at a time in the sanctuary. They help look after every kind of cat and make sure they are happy, healthy and go to loving homes. We gave our food donation and then went to see the cats there in their pods. First a cat called Barry came out who was very friendly and had been with them for around one hundred days which is quite a long time for a cat at a sanctuary. Then four kittens came out who were very playful and we got to hold them. They were a little skittish but, once calmed, they loved a cuddle. Then after the cats had gone back, we went to their outside area where we met a cat called Elsie who sadly had not been adopted yet either. Their pods are cleaned regularly and well looked after. It was a great experience and just shows how small places can make a difference in the world.