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Mentor Period

The central purpose of Mentor Period is to contribute to each student's personal development across their time at Highworth, in line with the school’s REACH ethos. As part of the vertical tutoring system this will include developing each student's identity as part of their Learning Community.

Mentor Period is conducted on a daily basis for 25 minutes. Each Mentor Group is led in an activity by their Mentor, which follows a planned termly overview, to ensure consistency of student experience across each Learning Community. Students are expected to participate in these sessions as they would in any lesson.

Aims of Mentor Period

Core Aims of Mentor Period

Reflective, creative and innovative

To explore issues in the wider world in order to become more informed of relevant community, national and global events

Eager for life-long learning

To develop character traits that enable students to be resilient in the face of obstacles such as leadership, initiative, responsibility and problem solving

Aiming to achieve their full potential

To establish and re-evaluate ambitious goals of both an academic and personal nature in order to encourage self-reflection and self-discipline

Considerate, confident, independent individuals

To develop positive relationships with peers across different ages, growing the necessary skills to collaborate with and learn from others

Happy in a caring, respectful community

To participate in Learning Community and whole-school activities, contributing positively to the wider life of the school, and encouraging others to do so

Content of Each Session

Each term has a key theme, decided by the Directors of Learning. Students may also contribute to Mentor Period through their roles as Prefects, Community Coaches or as part of the Student Equality Team.

Themes will link to broader PSHE themes of Living in the Wider World, Relationships and Health and Wellbeing.  As indicative examples, themes may be based on: Global Awareness Days e.g. European Day of Languages; school events e.g. Children's Mental Health Week; supporting mental and physical wellbeing; our school’s SIRIUS Careers programme; promoting cultural diversity e.g. Black History Month or school culture days.

Mentor Themes for 2023-24

Term 1

Mentor tasks

Personal Development


Assembly themes

Week 1 (4th Sept)

Noticeboards/ LC day follow on

Happy in a caring, respectful community


Character development- working as a team, learning about the local community, leadership skills


PSHE- Wider World, Relationships


SMSC - social

Building relationships with peers and mentor 


Establishing mentor identity

  • Good habits

  • European Day of Languages (26th Sept)

  • Black History Month (October)

  • Safety

2 (11th Sept)

Noticeboards/ LC day follow on

3 (18th Sept)

Wellbeing fortnight:

  • SWAP session

  • Reconnect

  • Wellbeing information

  • Refocus day

Considerate confident, independent individuals


Happy in a caring, respectful community


Character development- taking responsibility for personal mental health and wellbeing


PSHE- Health and Wellbeing


SMSC - spiritual

Wellbeing theme for this term-  ‘Snack, Sleep, Chill’


Re-focus day allows revisiting of previous PSHE content (interleaving)

4 (25th Sept)

Wellbeing fortnight:

  • SWAP session

  • Reconnect

  • Wellbeing information

  • Refocus day

5 (2nd Oct)

Black History Month Project (Literature)

Happy in a caring, respectful community


Reflective, creative and innovative


Eager for life-long learning


Character development- awareness of others, societal/ historical knowledge and awareness


Literacy skills


PSHE- Wider World, Relationships (equality and diversity)


SMSC - moral. social, spiritual & cultural

British Values - respect & tolerance

Coincides with National Black History Month (October)


Celebration of diversity


Encourages engagement with a range of literature

6 (9th Oct)

Black History Month Project (Literature)

7 (16th Oct)

Black History Month Project (Literature)


Plant Growing Competition


Term 2

Mentor tasks

Personal Development


Assembly themes

1 (6th Nov)

Kindness Project


Friday 10th November- Asian Society running Culture Day (Diwali)

Considerate confident, independent individuals


Happy in a caring, respectful community


Character development- awareness of others, relationships, positive moral attributes, positive impact on society


PSHE- Relationships, Health and Wellbeing, Wider World


SMSC - social, moral, cultural, spiritual


British Values - democracy, respect & tolerance

Wellbeing theme this term- ‘Kindness, Connection and Relationships’


Forming positive relationships with the community

  • Remembrance

  • KYCC elections

  • Traditions

  • Living with a disability 

  • Last day of term- Christmas assembly

2 (13th Nov)

Kindness Project

3 (20th Nov)

Kindness Project

4 (27th Nov)

Wellbeing fortnight:

  • SWAP session

  • Reconnect

  • Wellbeing information

  • Refocus day

Considerate confident, independent individuals


Happy in a caring, respectful community.


Character development- taking responsibility for personal mental health and wellbeing


PSHE- Health and Wellbeing


SMSC - spiritual

Wellbeing theme this term- ‘Kindness, Connection and Relationships’


Re-focus day allows revisiting of previous PSHE content (interleaving)

5 (4th Dec)


Wellbeing fortnight:

  • SWAP session

  • Reconnect

  • Wellbeing information

  • Refocus day

6 (11th Dec)

Quiz of the Year

Community Christmas Party 

Design Christmas Card/ Decoration

Considerate confident, independent individuals.


Reflective, creative and innovative


Eager for life-long learning


Character development- developing curiosity and seeking improvement, creative solutions to problems.


PSHE- links to Wider World, Relationships


SMSC - spiritual, social. 

Building community spirit and developing community relationships


Term 3

Mentor tasks

Personal Development


Assembly themes

1 (1st Jan)

How Things Are Made Project

Reflective, creative and innovative


Eager for life-long learning


Aiming to achieve their full potential


Character development- challenging beliefs, building confidence in presentation skills, developing teamwork and leadership.


PSHE- links to Wider World


SMSC - social

Wellbeing theme this term- ‘Think, Watch, Doubt’


Opportunity to develop essential skills 


Opportunity to develop mentor relationships

  • Safety

  • Plants

  • Childrens’ Mental Health Week (5th-11th Feb)

2 (8th Jan)

How Things Are Made Project

3 (15th Jan)

How Things Are Made Project

4 (22nd Jan)

Wellbeing fortnight:

  • SWAP session

  • Reconnect

  • Wellbeing information

  • Refocus day

Considerate confident, independent individuals


Happy in a caring, respectful community


Character development- taking responsibility for personal mental health and wellbeing


PSHE- health and wellbeing


SMSC - spiritual

Wellbeing theme this term- ‘Think, Watch, Doubt’


Re-focus day allows revisiting of previous PSHE content (interleaving)

5 (29th Jan)

Wellbeing fortnight:

  • SWAP session

  • Reconnect

  • Wellbeing information

  • Refocus day

6 (5th Feb)

Dilemmas, Quizzes and Debates 


Chinese Culture Day (Feb 9th) 

Eager for life-long learning


Considerate confident, independent individuals


Happy in a caring, respectful community


Character development- resolving conflict, listening to the point of view of others, respecting others, British values, learning about the world around them, developing cultural awareness


PSHE- links to Wider World and Relationships


SMSC - cultural, social, moral

British Values - respect & tolerance

Building community spirit and developing community relationships


Exploring new concepts/ topics


Term 4

Mentor tasks

Personal Development


Assembly themes

1 (19th Feb)

Childrens’ Book Project

Reflective, creative and innovative


Considerate confident, independent individuals


Happy in a caring, respectful community


Character development- respecting and considering others, working with others in a range of social situations, reflect on and consider solutions to problems, celebrating diversity


PSHE- links to Wider World and Relationships


SMSC - social, moral, cultural, spiritual


British Values - respect & tolerance, democracy

Building links with the local community


Opportunity to develop creative problem solving


Opportunity to teach others what they have learned

  • Senior Prefect Team Voting

  • World Book Day (7th March)

  • International Women's Day (8th March) 

2 (26th Feb)

Childrens’ Book Project

3 (4th Mar)

Childrens’ Book Project

Dilemmas, Quizzes and Debates

4 (11th Mar)

Wellbeing fortnight:

  • SWAP session

  • Reconnect

  • Wellbeing information

  • Refocus day

Considerate confident, independent individuals


Happy in a caring, respectful community


Character development- taking responsibility for personal mental health and wellbeing


PSHE- Health and Wellbeing


SMSC - spiritual

Wellbeing theme this term- ‘Emotions, Lifeline, Music’


Re-focus day allows revisiting of previous PSHE content (interleaving)

5 (18th Mar)

Wellbeing fortnight:

  • SWAP session

  • Reconnect

  • Wellbeing information

  • Refocus day

6 (25th Mar)

Dilemmas, Quizzes and Debates 

Eager for life-long learning


Considerate confident, independent individuals


Happy in a caring, respectful community


Character development- resolving conflict, listening to the point of view of others, respecting others, British values, learning about the world around them, developing cultural awareness


PSHE- links to Wider World and Relationships

SMSC - moral, social, cultural


British Values - respect & tolerance

Building community spirit and developing community relationships


Exploring new concepts/ topics


Term 5

Mentor tasks

Personal Development


Assembly themes

1 (15th April)

Nature Project


Nepali Culture Day (Fri 19th April)

Reflective, creative and innovative


Happy in a caring, respectful community


Character development- creativity, positive engagement with the natural world, working together with others, having a positive impact


PSHE- Links with Wider World and Relationships


SMSC - social, moral, spiritual, cultural

Wellbeing theme this term- ‘Breathe, Flex, Paint’ (links to creativity element of this project)


Encouraging students to engage positively with nature


Appropriate time of year for outdoor/ outdoor related activities

  • Natural Disasters

  • National Volunteering Week (21st-27th April)

  • Safety

2 (22nd April)

Nature Project

3 (29th April)

Nature Project

4 (6th May) Bank holiday

Wellbeing fortnight:

  • SWAP session

  • Reconnect

  • Wellbeing information

  • Refocus day

Considerate, confident, independent individuals


Happy in a caring, respectful community


Character development- taking responsibility for personal mental health and wellbeing


PSHE- Health and Wellbeing


SMSC - spiritual

Wellbeing theme this term- ‘Breathe, Flex, Paint’


Re-focus day allows revisiting of previous PSHE content (interleaving)

5 (13th May)

Wellbeing fortnight:

  • SWAP session

  • Reconnect

  • Wellbeing information

  • Refocus day

6 (20th May)

Dilemmas, Quizzes and Debates (DFR)


World Day of Cultural Diversity (Tuesday 21st May)

Eager for life-long learning


Considerate confident, independent individuals


Happy in a caring, respectful community


Character development- resolving conflict, listening to the point of view of others, respecting others, British values, learning about the world around them, developing cultural awareness


PSHE- links to Wider World and Relationships


SMSC - moral, social, cultural


British Values - respect & tolerance

Building community spirit and developing community relationships


Exploring new concepts/ topics


Term 6

Mentor tasks

Personal Development


Assembly themes

1 (3rd June) SDD on 3rd

Food Project


World Environment Day (Wed 5th June)

Considerate confident, independent individuals


Happy in a caring, respectful community


Character development- building positive moral attributes, having a positive impact on the world, looking after physical wellbeing, consideration of others


PSHE- link to Wider World, Wellbeing and Relationships


SMSC - spiritual, social, moral, cultural

Wellbeing theme for this term- Gratitude

  • Pride

  • Summer Solstice (20th June)

  • Global Cultures Day (5th July)

  • Summer Safety

2 (10th June)

Food Project

3 (17th June)

Food Project

4 (24th June)

Wellbeing fortnight:

  • SWAP session

  • Reconnect

  • Wellbeing information

  • Refocus day

Considerate confident, independent individuals.


Happy in a caring, respectful community


Character development- taking responsibility for personal mental health and wellbeing


PSHE- Health and Wellbeing


SMSC - spiritual

Wellbeing theme for this term- Gratitude


Re-focus day allows revisiting of previous PSHE content (interleaving)

5 (1st July)

Wellbeing fortnight:

  • SWAP session

  • Reconnect

  • Wellbeing information

  • Refocus day

6 (8th July)

Dilemmas, Quizzes, Debates


Eager for life-long learning


Considerate confident, independent individuals


Happy in a caring, respectful community


Character development- resolving conflict, listening to the point of view of others, respecting others, British values, learning about the world around them, developing cultural awareness


PSHE- links to Wider World and Relationships


SMSC - social, moral, cultural

Building community spirit and developing community relationships


Exploring new concepts/ topics

7 (15th July)

Summer Celebrations


The Role of the Mentor

The role of the Mentor is to facilitate each student's personal development across their time at Highworth, in line with the school’s REACH ethos. Being a Mentor is a key part of our vertical tutoring Learning Community system whereby personal development is encouraged through learning from and collaboration with others.