IT Services
Highworth IT Services provide the services, facilities, support and training necessary to allow the effective and efficient use of modern technology to enhance the teaching, learning, and administrative activities of the school community.
IT Services also assess recent advancements in technology with a view to providing new and innovative ways of supporting the school's aims through technology.
Network Manager | Mr Robert Doubtfire |
IT Technician | Mrs Carolyn Banham |
Senior IT Technician | Mr Ben Akhurst |
The school has dedicated IT suites for our Computing, Music, Product Design and Photography departments. There are also a number of tablets and laptops available throughout most curriculum areas to allow the seamless integration of technology into teaching and learning.
We offer a variety of hardware and software solutions across the school between Windows 11, Chromebooks, iPads and Mac devices alongside modern software packages such as Microsoft Office 2021 and Adobe Creative Cloud.
All students of Highworth Grammar School are eligible for a free copy of Office 365 to use at home alongside 1TB of Google storage and access to the Google suite of editing products.
All classrooms are fitted with a wireless data projector and all teaching staff are provided with a modern laptop. This combination provides a very flexible tool for classroom teaching.
Our school is serviced by a 1gbps internet connection, provided by Wave 9 alongside a backup connection to keep the school connected in the event of a local network outage.
The school takes its duty of care to the online safety and protection of students seriously. As such, Lightspeed internet filtering is in use which ensures that the internet sites accessible are of an appropriate nature for education and blocks inappropriate content. In addition, Lightspeed Alert monitors student internet searches for any potential causes for concern which need further enquiry.
The school has around 800 internet-connected devices for student use.