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About Highworth Grammar School

Highworth Grammar School converted to become an academy school on 1 January 2011. We are a selective school which means that entry is via a pass in the Kent Test (for Year 7) or a pass in our Casual Admissions Entrance Exam (taken by Years 8 to 11 and by Year 7 after 31 December of year of entry).

What is the capacity of the school?

Our Published Admission Number (PAN) has increased over the years and is now 210 for our newest cohorts. This means that, from each September, up to 210 students can be offered places in our new Year 7. Places above PAN can ordinarily only be awarded by an Independent Appeals Panel.

Year 7 (Sept 2023 Intake) - 224* (PAN 210)

Year 8 (Sept 2022 Intake) - 213* (PAN 210)

Year 9 (Sept 2021 Intake) - 218* (PAN 210)

Year 10 (Sept 2020 Intake) - 217* (PAN 210)

Year 11 (Sept 2019 Intake) - 217* (PAN 184 - opted to offer over PAN to 210)

Sixth Form - 453*

*Figures correct as of 13/5/2024