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Dress Code

Highworth is the place of work for Sixth Form students and, as such, students are expected to dress appropriately for work. Our smart/casual and gender neutral dress code aims to foster a relaxed, yet focused, learning environment. 

The following rules must be adhered to:

  • Hair is natural colours only
  • Clothing should ensure that midriffs are covered
  • Skirts and dresses should be at least mid-thigh length
  • Only ear piercings are permitted
  • Smart, chino-style shorts of at least mid-thigh length are permissible only in Term 6
  • Hats and coats must be removed once inside the school building.

The items below are prohibited:

  • Torn clothing, including ripped jeans
  • Flip flops
  • Visible tattoos or piercings other than ear piercings
  • T-shirts with offensive slogans
  • Strapless tops.

If clarification is required about a particular item of clothing, students can speak to Mr House before wearing it to school. Anyone contravening the dress code is expected to rectify the dress code issue if it is possible to do so. Refusal to do this will result in an internal isolation for the remainder of the day and a phone call home. The Head of Sixth Form has the final say on dress code issues and the sanctions below will be enforced for anyone contravening the dress code: 

1st infraction Warning
2nd infraction Break time detention
3rd infraction Lunchtime detention. Phone call home
4th infraction Removal of free periods for a week. Phone call home
Further infractions Internal isolation (1 day) and meeting in school with parents/carers
At every point You will be expected to rectify the dress code issue if it is possible to do so. Refusal to do this will result in an internal isolation for the remainder of the day and a phone call home.

Students are encouraged to remember that the Sixth Form are role models in the school community and set the tone and standard for the rest of the student body.